Debt Collection Details
If you know nothing of the debt or are not the debtor, you can tell the Debt Collection Agency (DCA) to stop bothering you.
Original Creditor
Fixed Loan Amount (s.77 request)
If it was sent "recorded delivery", it was delivered the day they sign for it. If the letter/request was sent by first class mail, then it is deemed to be delivered 2 working days after the date the letter was posted. If the letter/request is sent by second class mail, it is deemed to be delivered 4 working days after it was send. You don't include the day the it was posted. Working days are Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.
You must add 12 working days to the delivery date above. Working days are Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a DCA?DCA stands for debt collection agency. It is usually a third party hired by the creditor to go after the debtor to collect a debt.What is the CCA?CCA stands for the Consumer Credit Act of 1974. It regulates how money lending businesses can operate.