Free Model and Entertainment Release

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Model and Entertainment Release

Data Retention

Data Retention

e.g. two years

Frequently Asked Questions
How long can the personal data of a model be retained?The personal data of the model must be retained only until the purpose for which it was taken is fulfilled, and it must be the shortest time possible to ensure that the data will not be kept longer than necessary.

To ensure this, it is best to provide a specific time when the data will be erased. If a specific time period cannot be ascertained, you must set out the criteria you will use to determine how long the data will be kept.
What is personal data?Personal data includes any information that can be used to identify an individual. Examples include name, address, phone number, date of birth, race, gender, photographs, videos, credit card information, ID card numbers, and even location data.

Your Model and Entertainment Release

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THIS MODEL RELEASE (the "Agreement") is made and entered into this ____________________


__________ of
Email: __________
Phone: __________
(the "Artist")



  Model Name ________________________________________
  Street Address ________________________________________
  City, Country, Postcode ________________________________________
  Email ________________________________________
  Home Phone ________________________________________
  Work Phone ________________________________________
  Cell Phone ________________________________________

(the "Model")



The Artist may choose to engage, or is currently engaged in, the business of creating media, which includes but is not limited to engaging in the following activities for personal and commercial gain:

  • photography, photo editing, and photo production; digital photography, digital photo editing, and digital photo production; and web design and production.

The Model consents to being a subject of the Artist in media. The Model will allow the Artist to capture images and sound recordings for use in media.  


  2. In exchange for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Model assigns to the Artist permission to licence all images and sound recordings and the use of all images and sound recordings in any media for any purpose which may include, among others, advertising, promotion, marketing and packaging for any product or service. The Model agrees that any images and sound recordings may be combined with other images, text and graphics, cropped, altered and modified, and hereby releases the Artist from any liability related to the use or licencing of the images or sound recordings by the Artist.
  4. The Model agrees that the Artist has all rights to the images and sound recordings, for perpetuity unless explicitly noted in this Agreement. The Model acknowledges and agrees that the Artist is not liable for any further consideration, accounting, or claim for any reason.
  6. The Model acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement is binding on all heirs and assigns. The Model acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement is irrevocable, worldwide and perpetual.
  8. The Artist will process the Model’s personal data in accordance with the privacy policy set out in Schedule 1 of this Agreement (the "Privacy Policy").
  9. The Model acknowledges receipt of the Privacy Policy by signing this Agreement.
  11. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties to this release and the terms of this Agreement are contractual and not a mere recital.
  13. This Agreement will be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of England.

In witness whereof, the Model has executed this release at ______________________ on the date above.




____________________ (Model)

I am the parent or legal guardian of the minor above named as the Model, and I have legal authority to execute this Agreement on the Model's behalf. I have read and fully understood the contents of this Agreement, and consent to the said use of images and sound recordings based on the contents of this Agreement.




____________________ (Parent)

SCHEDULE 1: Privacy Policy

  1. This privacy policy sets out information on how the Artist (the data controller) has collected and will process the personal data of the Model, as well as the legal rights of the Model with regards to the processing of their personal data.
  2. Details about the Artist:
    Name of Artist: __________ (the "Artist")
    Address of Artist: __________
    Email address of Artist: __________
    Telephone number of Artist: __________
  3. The Artist has collected the following personal data from the Model: image and/or sound recording of the Model; name, address, phone number, email address, and age details of the Model; and, if a minor, name of the Model’s parent or guardian.
  4. The personal data of the Model is being processed for the purposes of: consent; administration; or to comply with legal obligations.
  5. The Artist will only use the Model’s personal data on the basis of the Model’s consent or where the Artist needs to comply with a legal obligation.
  6. The Artist will limit access to the Model’s personal data to employees, agents, or contractors of the Artist, or as otherwise consented to by the Model.
  7. The personal data of the Model will be retained for only as long as necessary to satisfy any legal, accounting or reporting requirements and to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, and will be erased or destroyed as required by law on or before __________ after the execution of this Agreement.
  8. The Artist will only transfer the Model’s personal data out of the United Kingdom if the third country or international organisation has been deemed to have an adequate level of data protection or where appropriate safeguards have been provided by the Artist, as outlined in the Data Protection Act 2018.
  9. The Model has the right to:
    1. be informed about the collection and use of the Model's personal data;
    2. request access to the Model’s personal data;
    3. request rectification of the Model’s personal data if inaccurate or incomplete;
    4. request erasure of the Model’s personal data;
    5. request restriction of the processing of the Model’s personal data;
    6. request the transfer of the Model’s personal data to another party;
    7. object to the processing of the Model’s personal data;
    8. withdraw consent to the processing of their personal data at any time by using the Artist's contact information provided in this Agreement to contact the Artist; and
    9. lodge a complaint by contacting the Information Commissioner at:
      Information Commissioner's Office:
      Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
      Telephone: 0303 123 1113
      Fax: 01625 524510

For good and valuable consideration, the Model releases from liability and assigns __________ permission to licence and use all images and sound recordings in any media and for any purpose. The Model agrees that __________ has all rights to images and sound recordings for perpetuity. This agreement is irrevocable, worldwide and perpetual.

Model Name (Print): __________________________

Model Signature:   _________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature*: ______________________

Date:   _____________________________
*required if Model is under the legal age of majority.

Related Documents:

  • Independent Contractor Agreement: Create a document to outline the terms of a working relationship between a contractor and client.
  • Waiver/Release Agreement: Write a document to release an individual or corporation from liability that arises out of a dispute.
  • Non-Disclosure Agreement: Create a binding contract to keep specific information confidential for your business or professional setting.
  • Confidentiality Agreement: Create an agreement to share and protect sensitive information for a business, sale, and more.
  • Performance Contract: Write a contract outlining the terms and conditions when hiring a performer for a private or commercial event.
  • Cease and Desist: Issue a letter to resolve a dispute between you and other parties.
  • Activity Waiver: Write a waiver between an activity provider and participant to prevent future liability for injuries or damages.
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Model and Entertainment Release

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