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Car Sale Receipt
IN CONSIDERATION of ___________________ of ____________________ (the 'Purchaser') providing £____________ including all sales taxes (the 'Purchase Price'), the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is hereby acknowledged to ______________________ of ____________________ (the 'Seller'), the Seller SELLS AND DELIVERS the Motor Vehicle to the Purchaser.PAYMENT METHOD: The Purchaser will pay the Purchase Price to the Seller by cash.
MOTOR VEHICLE: The Seller will sell and deliver to the Purchaser the following motor vehicle (the 'Motor Vehicle'):
WARRANTIES: The Seller warrants that the Motor Vehicle is free of any liens and encumbrances and that the Seller is the legal owner of the Motor Vehicle. The Seller also warrants that the Seller has the full right and authority to sell and deliver the Motor Vehicle and that the Seller will defend the title of the Motor Vehicle against any and all claims and demands.
'AS IS' CONDITION: The Purchaser acknowledges that the Motor Vehicle is sold 'as is'. The Seller expressly disclaims any implied warranty as to fitness for a particular purpose and any implied warranty as to merchantability. The Seller expressly disclaims any expressed or other implied warranties.WORKING ORDER: Any warranty as to the condition or working order of the Motor Vehicle is expressly disclaimed by the Seller.MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY: Any disclaimer of warranties by the Seller in this Receipt will not in any way affect the terms of any applicable warranties from the manufacturer of the Motor Vehicle.LIABILITIES: The Seller does not assume, nor does the Seller authorise any other person on the behalf of the Seller to assume, any liability in connection with the sale or delivery of the Motor Vehicle.
INSPECTION: The Purchaser accepts the Motor Vehicle in its existing condition given that the Purchaser has either inspected the Motor Vehicle or was given the opportunity to inspect the Motor Vehicle but chose to not inspect it.
GOVERNING LAW: This Receipt will be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the Country of .
SIGNED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED by ______________________ in the presence of the below named Solicitor, the effect of the above written Receipt having been explained by me to ______________________ before the execution of it, this ________ day of ________________, ________.________________________________Notary PublicSolicitor's Name: ____________________Solicitor's Address: ___________________________________________________
Most legal jurisdictions require that the Seller state the Mileage upon transfer of ownership. Failure to complete or providing a false statement may result in fines and/or imprisonment.
Odometer Disclosure Statement
I, ______________________ of ____________________ (the 'Seller'), STATE AND DECLARE that the odometer of the following vehicle (the 'Motor Vehicle') reads as follows:
I CERTIFY that to the best of my knowledge the odometer reading as stated above reflects the actual mileage of the Motor Vehicle. I CERTIFY that the odometer of the Motor Vehicle was not altered, set back, or disconnected while in my possession, and I have no knowledge of anyone else doing so.
SIGNED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED by ______________________ in the presence of the below named Solicitor, the effect of the above written Odometer Disclosure Statement having been explained by me to ______________________ before the execution of it, this ________ day of ________________, ________.________________________________Notary PublicSolicitor's Name: ____________________Solicitor's Address: ___________________________________________________
___________________________Seller: ______________________Address: ____________________
Receipt of original copyis hereby acknowledged by___________________.
___________________________Purchaser: ___________________Address: ____________________
Last updated December 17, 2024
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A Sales Receipt documents a transaction in which ownership of personal property transfers from one party to another.
Sales Receipts can be used when buying or selling motor vehicles, trailers, boats, animals and other personal property items, such as furniture or bicycles.
Our Sales Receipt template can be used in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.
Use a Sales Receipt when selling or buying:
If you’re selling a motor vehicle, you may use our Car Sale Receipt template instead, as it’s customised for vehicle sales.
Remember that you cannot use a Sales Receipt when buying or selling real estate. Instead, you may use a Real Estate Purchase Agreement to facilitate that sale.
Additionally, you cannot use a Sales Receipt to document the sale of a business or shares. Instead, you need to use a Purchase of Business Agreement or Share Purchase Agreement.
A Sales Receipt protects the seller's and buyer's interests and can prevent future disputes and issues. It’s important to use a Sales Receipt because it:
Any person or small business selling an item to another person or business should use a Sales Receipt so there is a clear record of the transfer of ownership.
If you find yourself in a situation where multiple people collectively buy or sell an item, you can list more than one seller or purchaser within your Sales Receipt.
To create a Sales Receipt, complete the following steps:
Describe the item by providing its appearance and condition. You could include information about the colour, dimensions, shape, age, repairs, missing components, manufacturer's information, serial number, etc.
List the seller and buyer’s names and addresses. You can add more than one seller or buyer to your Sales Receipt if necessary.
State the item's sale price and specify if VAT (Value Added Tax) will apply to the sale. Also, include the form of payment.
Our template allows you to indicate any of the following payment methods that will be included in your transaction:
If these payment options aren’t applicable, you can also close the sale with most other viable payment methods. In most cases, sellers should secure payment before giving possession to the buyer.
If there are any loans or liens against the item, be sure to note them and describe the arrangements for loan or lien repayment. Mainly, you need to specify whether the buyer or seller will pay off the loans.
If a loan or lien is going to pass to the buyer, the seller should reduce the purchase price by the corresponding amount.
‘As is’ means that an item is being sold in its current condition and the buyer accepts it with all its flaws.
With an ‘as is’ provision, the seller isn't liable for any imperfections or flaws in the item, provided they haven't hidden or lied about them. An ‘as is’ provision protects the seller from being held responsible for any item-related issues after the buyer pays and receives the item.
Our Sales Receipt template automatically includes a statement that the property is being sold in ‘as is’ condition, so you do not need to add this detail as an additional clause.
Generally, sellers don’t provide any warranties or guarantees in a Sales Receipt. To include warranties, use a Sales Agreement.
When you're selling a vehicle or other important items, both the buyer and the seller may have to sign the Sale Receipt.
For other types of items, such as furniture, only the seller may have to sign the Sales Receipt. Once you specify your location and item type, we customise your document to only include space for the necessary signature(s). Or, if you want the buyer to be required to sign, you can specify so when you complete the questionnaire.
It’s recommended that both parties have their own signed copies of the receipt. Usually, the seller creates the Sales Receipt. Therefore, they may print two copies to sign so both parties have a record of the transfer of ownership.
Sales Receipt
Personalise your Sales Receipt. Print or download in minutes.
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